Thursday, October 16, 2014

Observations Watching "Saved by the Bell" as an Adult (Part 5)

Screech is Either the Greatest Genius in the History of Humanity...or From the Future

In the first two seasons, Screech has a robot named Kevin. Kevin is not just a simple robot though; he is a bona fide artificial intelligence capable of engaging in full conversation like a human, possesses empathy and emotions, accurately analyzes and reacts to human and environmental stimuli, drinks root beer, cracks jokes...basically he might as well be human. Considering Kevin debuts in 1989, Screech must be the greatest genius in the history of humanity, or he's from the future and brought this way-ahead-of-its-time robot with him. Either way, the writers deprived us of some amazing story lines by not examining this. Sadly, much like many characters on the show, after season two Kevin just mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again. Poor Screech.

The Theme Song Randomly Changes

Towards the end of season one, an alternate version of the theme song is introduced. They occasionally play it instead of the regular version, with no explanation or apparent pattern. And then after season two it's never heard again. I'm starting to think this was some weird psychological experiment. Not sure what the endgame was, but I'm onto you NBC...

The Kids Must Never Sleep

Throughout the course of the series, the gang participates in nearly every extra-curricular activity possible: school council, radio station, ROTC, school store, swim team, track, cheerleading, rock band, glee club, basketball, football, wrestling, chess, hosting every single school dance or event, teen hotline, academic bowl, yearbook staff, drama club, dance club, prom committee, homecoming committee... just about every committee possible. Hell, I'm not even sure this list is complete! Now, we could assume they get bored of these very quickly and dump each activity for another, but even then there's no way any high school student could cram that many different activities in four years. You would have to be constantly quitting and joining another one practically every month, and it wouldn't take long to gain the reputation as a quitter. Pretty soon, no club would want you.

Moreover, we see them repeating many of these activities multiple times throughout the series. We are left to assume they continue some of these activities off-screen. Clearly, there's no way they could keep up with all these commitments, still maintain extremely active social lives, have time to pursue Zack's crazy schemes, get their homework done (at least in the case of Jessie and Screech who clearly do their homework), and get sleep. So either they never sleep, or Bayside is the SoCal version of Hogwarts and they all have time-turners to keep up with this stuff. Zack does have the power to stop time, after all...

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