Forget all those life hacks involving duct tape, bobby pins, folding, springs, post-it notes, etc. Those are for weak minded civilians whose beta minds are easily manipulated by Jedi masters! These superior Jedi life hacks will actually, like, totally change your life!!!
1. Keep Your Bacon Warm
2. Unclog Any Toilet
Never again worry about embarrassing clogs full of epic turds that would disgust even Jabba The Hut. Forget about using a plunger. Just disintegrate the poop straight away with your lightsaber!
3. Make That Asshole Cat Obey You
Dude, you're a freaking Jedi; you have mind control powers over the weak! Cats might be the most stubborn sons of bitchez in the galaxy, but their brains are totes smaller than yours. Mind tricking them is a piece of frozen Hoth ice cream cake.
"You will only pee and poop in your litterbox."
"You will only pee and poop in your litterbox."
"You will not effing wake me up when I'm trying to get some god damn sleep."
"You will only vomit on hardwood. Never on carpet."
"You will not knock down Christmas tree ornaments."
"You will not knock down Christmas tree ornaments."
"You will not bite anyone unless you sense they're secretly a Sith Lord."
4. Never Buy Razor Blades Ever Again
Even the best razor blades from Coruscant soon dull. Such a waste a money when your lightsaber can do the job for free, and even do it better. Use that masterful motor control Yoda gave you and get the blade close enough to get the hairs, but just shy of your skin. There's no closer shave than one that comes from deadly pure energy, and if you accidentally cut yourself, it automatically cauterizes the wound!
Ooopsie. Be careful, padawans! |
5. Keep Your Fingers Clean From Cheetos, Doritos & More
Sometimes, you just need to have a cheat day from that boring Jedi diet. There's only so many times you can eat bland Tauntaun. Everyone loves Doritos and Cheetos, but the dusty and sticky fingers you get are just awful. Use telekinesis to bring those tasty treats straight from the bag and into your mouth without ever touching them!
6. Parallel Park Like A Master
Trying to parallel park that landspeeder or podracer can be a biatch. Jerkoffs leaving you no room or angry hoards honking at you as you slow down traffic. Forget all that. Just stop next to the empty space and use your force push to glide your car into place. Smooth as Lando Calrissian!
7. Haunt Your Enemies After You're Dead
Did some douche bully you ALL throughout Padawanhood? Was your neighbor really, really, REALLY obnoxious? Did your mailman NEVER knock on your door when delivering packages? Well, with proper training, you can stick around as a ghost after death to haunt and taunt them! I mean, sure, you could use this power for good and help other Jedi defeat evil. But come on; that's soooooo vanilla. Don't be a lame Obi-Wan. Instead, have some fun. Chances are you've blown up at least one death star (cause the dark side just keeps on making em). You've earned some goof time!
Jedi life hacks are all fine and dandy for goody two-shoes light siders, but what about moody, angry, whiny, emo Sith Lords? Don't worry, we got ya covered. Is your only talent ripping off the work of actual content creators and then profiting from it by repackaging it in aggregated—albeit well designed—form, while the original content creators don't get so much as a dime? If so, then you're a despicable, unoriginal, plagiarizing piece of shit publication called...what's it called? JizzSeed? Or is it ScuzzWeed? Oh, right: BuzzFeed, that's it. If you're BuzzFeed, just steal this entire post and profit off my hard work like a true mother fucking Sith Lord!
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